Strapi plugin logo for CKEditor 5 - Official Integration

CKEditor 5 - Official Integration

An official CKEditor 5 integration for Strapi, brought by the CKEditor team.

thumbnail for CKEditor 5 - Official Integration

CKEditor 5 - Official Integration for Strapi

CKEditor 5 used inside Strapi. Article form consisting of a title, excerpt text, and content

Starting from version 1.0.0, the CKEditor 5 custom field plugin is compatible with Strapi 5 and can’t be used in Strapi 4.4+. We decided to maintain integrations for both Strapi versions to ensure that you can still use our custom field before migrating to Strapi 5. Below is the compatibility table showing which plugin version should be used with your Strapi version.

This package provides a custom field for Strapi 5 that lets you use and configure CKEditor in no time.

Custom fields are supported since Strapi 4.4+ and offer powerful API to create highly customizable fields.

This is an official plugin, provided to you by the CKEditor team 👋

✨ Features

  • No code field customization: customize each field for its specific usage scenario – let it be short note, blog article, or a document.
  • Predefined editor presets: a couple predefined editor presets (sets of CKEditor 5 plugins and their configuration) to choose from.
  • Custom max length validation: Twitter-like length validation with visual indicators, based on the number of characters in the text, not the HTML string.
  • Dark mode support: because you like it.
  • Media library integration: inserting images directly from Strapi's media library.
  • More features coming soon: upload adapter integration, more granular editor toolbar and plugins configuration, and more.

🔧 Installation

Before installation, make sure that you own a valid CKEditor 5 license key. Start a commitment-free trial to get instant access to the license key. You can also refer to our license key and activation guide to learn more.

Inside your Strapi app, add the package:

With npm:

npm install @ckeditor/strapi-plugin-ckeditor

With yarn:

yarn add @ckeditor/strapi-plugin-ckeditor

Then, add the Content Security Policy configuration to allow loading CKEditor 5 from origin and sending the editor usage information to, by adding the rule to config/middlewares.ts in your Strapi project root:

1export default [
2  // ...
3  {
4    name: 'strapi::security',
5    config: {
6      contentSecurityPolicy: {
7        useDefaults: true,
8        directives: {
9          'script-src': [''],
10          'connect-src': ['']
11        },
12      },
13    },
14  },
15  // ...

Finally run build:

npm run build


yarn build

🛠 Contributing

This section covers the way how to configure your environment if you want to contribute to this package.

Setting up the environment

In order to start making changes in the plugin you first need to install Strapi infrastructure on top of the plugin repository.

1npx create-strapi-app --quickstart strapi
2cd strapi

By default Strapi does not create plugins folder so we need to create it.

1mkdir -p src/plugins

Now we should clone this repository so we can work on it.

1git clone src/plugins/strapi-plugin-ckeditor

Let's add an entry inside ./package.json file so, we won't need to use yarn inside plugin itself.

1"workspaces": ["./src/plugins/strapi-plugin-ckeditor"]

Install dependencies:

1yarn install

Now we need to register plugin so strapi can use it. In order to do that we need to create (if not already created) ./config/plugins.js file and add entry to it.

1module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
2  ckeditor: {
3    enabled: true,
4    resolve: "./src/plugins/strapi-plugin-ckeditor"
5  },

Rebuild the project and start the server:

1yarn build
2yarn develop

🧩 Compatibility with Strapi versions

Starting from version 1.0.0, the CKEditor 5 custom field plugin is compatible with Strapi 5 and can't be used in Strapi 4.4+. We decided to maintain integrations for both Strapi versions to make sure that you still be able to use our custom field before migrating to Strapi 5. Below, you can find the compatibility table that shows which plugin version should be used with your Strapi version.

Plugin version Strapi version
1.x.x ≥ 5.0.0
0.x.x ≥ 4.4

⚖️ Licensing

The plugin "CKEditor 5 - Official Integration for Strapi" is licensed under MIT. Please note that CKEditor 5 itself is licensed under GPL v2+ or a commercial license.

Install now

npm install @ckeditor/strapi-plugin-ckeditor


71 GitHub stars5088 weekly downloads

Last updated

11 days ago

Strapi Version

>=5.0.0 <6.0.0-0||>=5.0.0-beta <6.0.0-0||>=5.0.0-alpha <6.0.0-0||>=5.0.0-rc <6.0.0-0


github profile image for CKSource

Useful links

Create your own plugin

Check out the available plugin resources that will help you to develop your plugin or provider and get it listed on the marketplace.