Integrate Elasticsearch to your Strapi setup
Strapi plugin strapi-plugin-elasticsearch
A plugin to enable integrating Elasticsearch with Strapi CMS.
via npm:
1npm i @geeky-biz/strapi-plugin-elasticsearch
via yarn:
1yarn add @geeky-biz/strapi-plugin-elasticsearch
Supported Strapi version
The latest version of this plugin works for Strapi v5. For Strapi v4, please install the version 0.0.8 of this plugin.
Plugin Configuration
Within your Strapi project's config/plugin.js
, enable the plugin and provide the configuration details:
1module.exports = {
2 // ...
3 'elasticsearch': {
4 enabled: true,
5 config: {
6 indexingCronSchedule: "<cron schedule>",
7 searchConnector: {
8 host: "<hostname for Elasticsearch>",
9 username: "<username for Elasticsearch>",
10 password: "<password for Elasticsearch>",
11 certificate: "<path to the certificate required to connect to Elasticsearch>"
12 },
13 indexAliasName: "<Alias name for the Elasticsearch index>"
14 }
15 },
16 // ...
17 }
Example plugin configuration (with adequate .env
variables set up):
1module.exports = {
2 // ...
3 'elasticsearch': {
4 enabled: true,
5 config: {
6 indexingCronSchedule: "00 23 * * *", //run daily at 11:00 PM
7 searchConnector: {
8 host: process.env.ELASTIC_HOST,
9 username: process.env.ELASTIC_USERNAME,
10 password: process.env.ELASTIC_PASSWORD,
11 certificate: path.join(__dirname, process.env.ELASTIC_CERT_NAME)
12 },
13 indexAliasName: process.env.ELASTIC_ALIAS_NAME
14 }
15 },
16 // ...
17 }
Ensuring connection to Elasticsearch
When connected to Elasticsearch, the Connected
field within the Setup Information
screen shall display true
Configuring collections & attributes to be indexed
The Configure Collections
view displays the collections and the fields setup to be indexed.
From this view, individual collection can be selected to modify configuration:
Configuring indexing for dynamic zone or component attributes
To enable indexing content for attributes of type component
or dynamiczone
, additional information needs to be provided via JSON in the following format:
2 "subfields": [
3 {
4 "component": "<component name within schema.json>",
5 "field": "<field name from within that component>"
6 },
7 {...},
8 {...}
9 ]
Example 1:
If we have an attribute called seo_details
of type component
like the following within our collection schema.json
1 "seo_details": {
2 "type": "component",
3 "repeatable": false,
4 "component": "metainfo.seo"
5 },
And, if we seek to index the contents of the meta_description
field belonging to the component seo
, our subfields
configuration should be:
2 "subfields": [
3 {
4 "component": "metainfo.seo",
5 "field": "meta_description"
6 }
7 ]
Example 2:
If we have an attribute called sections
of type dynamiczone
within our collection schema.json
1 "sections": {
2 "type": "dynamiczone",
3 "components": [
4 "content.footer",
5 "content.paragraph",
6 "content.separator",
7 "content.heading"
8 ]
9 },
And, if we seek to index the contents of the fields title
for content.heading
and details
as well as subtext
for content.paragraph
, our subfields
configuration should be:
2 "subfields": [
3 {
4 "component": "content.paragraph",
5 "field": "details"
6 },
7 {
8 "component": "content.paragraph",
9 "field": "subtext"
10 },
11 {
12 "component": "content.heading",
13 "field": "title"
14 }
15 ]
The subfields JSON also supports multiple level of nesting:
2 "subfields": [
3 {
4 "component": "content.footer",
5 "field": "footer_link",
6 "subfields": [
7 {
8 "component": "content.link",
9 "field": "display_text"
10 }
11 ]
12 }
13 ]
Note: Indexing of relations
attributes isn't yet supported.
Exporting and Importing indexing configuration
To enable backing up the indexing configuration or transferring it between various environments, these can be Exported / Imported from the Configure Collections
Scheduling Indexing
Once the collection attributes are configured for indexing, any changes to the respective collections & attributes is marked for indexing. The cron job (configured via indexingCronSchedule
) makes actual indexing requests to the connected Elasticsearch instance.
Trigger Indexing
triggers the cron job immediately to perform the pending indexing tasks without waiting for the next scheduled run.Rebuild Indexing
completely rebuilds the index. It may be used if the Elasticsearch appears to be out of sync from the data within Strapi.
Whenever a collection is configured for indexing, it may already have data that needs to be indexed. To facilitate indexing of the past data, a collection can be scheduled for indexing in the next cron run from the Configure Collections
You may directly use the Elasticsearch search API or you may use the Search API exposed by the plugin (at /api/elasticsearch/search
). The plugin search API is just a wrapper around the Elasticsearch search API that passes the query parameter to the Elasticsearch search API and returns the results coming from Elasticsearch:
For example, the below API call would result into the Elasticsearch search API being triggered with the query
would result into the Elasticsearch search API being triggered with query
The plugin's API would return the response from the Elasticsearch search API.
Note: To use the search
API (at /api/elasticsearch/search
), you will have to provide access via Settings
-> Users & Permissions Plugin
-> Roles
-> (Select adequate role) -> Elasticsearch
-> search
Extending Search API
The recommended was to enhance the Search API is to write your own route and controller. Below is an example of how this can be achieved (this example adds pagination capability to the search API):
- Within your setup, create
with the following contents:
1const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
2const qs = require('qs');
4let client = null;
6module.exports = (plugin) => {
8 client = new Client({
9 node: plugin.config.searchConnector.host,
10 auth: {
11 username: plugin.config.searchConnector.username,
12 password: plugin.config.searchConnector.password
13 },
14 tls: {
15 ca: plugin.config.searchConnector.certificate,
16 rejectUnauthorized: false
17 }
18 });
20 plugin.controllers['performSearch'].enhancedSearch = async (ctx) => {
21 try
22 {
23 const params = qs.parse(ctx.request.query)
24 const query = params.search;
25 const pagesize = params.pagesize;
26 const from = params.from;
27 const result= await client.search({
28 index: plugin.config.indexAliasName,
29 query: { "bool" : { "should" : [ { "match": { "content": "dummy"} } ] } },
30 size: pagesize,
31 from: from
32 });
33 return result;
34 }
35 catch(err)
36 {
37 console.log('Search : elasticClient.enhancedSearch : Error encountered while making a search request to ElasticSearch.')
38 throw err;
39 }
40 }
42 plugin.routes['search'].routes.push({
43 method: 'GET',
44 path: '/enhanced-search',
45 handler: 'performSearch.enhancedSearch',
46 });
49 return plugin;
- This will create a new route
being served by the function defined above. - You can add / modify the routes and controllers as necessary.
For any bugs, please create an issue here.
- This plugin is created by Punit Sethi.
- I'm an independent developer working on Strapi migrations, customizations, configuration projects (see here).
- For any Strapi implementation requirement, write to me at
Install now
npm install @geeky-biz/strapi-plugin-elasticsearch
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