Strapi plugin logo for Video Field

Video Field

A Strapi custom video field that allows you to preview, and add videos with external source to your application.

Strapi plugin Video Field

Adds custom video field to your Strapi application

Image of Video Field

👋 Intro

✨ Key feature

  • Video field: This plugin adds custom video field into your Strapi application ! Plugin currently supports YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook videos.
  • Facebook videos: If using videos from Facebook, please keep in mind, that you must use url, which contains "facebook" in it in order to make them work.

🔧 Installation

Inside your Strapi app, add the package:

With npm:

npm install @sklinet/strapi-plugin-video-field

With yarn:

yarn add @sklinet/strapi-plugin-video-field

In config/plugins.js file add:

2    enabled:true

If you do not yet have this file, then create and add:

1module.exports = () => ({
2    "video-field":{
3      enabled:true
4    };

In config/middlewares.js file extend "strapi::security" middleware:

2        name: "strapi::security",
3        config: {
4            contentSecurityPolicy: {
5                useDefaults: true,
6                directives: {
7                    "frame-src":[
8                        "'self'",
9                        "",
10                        "",
11                        "",
12                        "*",
13                        "",
14                        "",
15                    ],
16                },
17            },
18        },
19    },

If you do not yet have this file, then create and add:

1module.exports = [
2    "strapi::errors",
3    {
4        name: "strapi::security",
5        config: {
6            contentSecurityPolicy: {
7                useDefaults: true,
8                directives: {
9                    "frame-src": [
10                        "'self'",
11                        "",
12                        "",
13                        "",
14                        "*",
15                        "",
16                        "",
17                    ],
18                    "connect-src": ["'self'", "https:", "blob:", "*",],
19                    "img-src": [
20                        "'self'",
21                        "data:",
22                        "blob:",
23                        "",
24                        "",
25                        "",
26                        "",
27                    ],
28                    "style-src": ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
29                    "media-src": ["'self'", "data:", "blob:"],
30                    "script-src": [
31                        "'self'",
32                        "",
33                        "blob:",
34                        "https:",
35                    ],
36                    "font-src": ["'self'"],
37                    upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
38                },
39            },
40        },
41    },
42    "strapi::cors",
43    "strapi::poweredBy",
44    "strapi::logger",
45    "strapi::query",
46    "strapi::body",
47    "strapi::session",
48    "strapi::favicon",
49    "strapi::public",

Then run build:

npm run build


yarn build

All done, you're now able to use video-field plugin ! After installation, you will find the video field at the custom fields section of the content-type builder.

This plugin returns value in JSON format. Your video-field will return data like this:

2    provider: "videoUid", // Provider of the video (youtube, vimeo, or facebook)
3    providerUid: "RANDOMUID", // UID of the video
4    url: "" // the whole URL of the video

⚠️ Requirements

Strapi v5.x.x+

Node >= v20.x.x

Tested on v5.1.1

Install now

npm install @sklinet/strapi-plugin-video-field


7 GitHub stars662 weekly downloads

Last updated

118 days ago

Strapi Version

5.1.1 and above


github profile image for SKLINET s.r.o.
SKLINET s.r.o.

Useful links

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