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Google Auth With Token

Google auth with token helps you to easily create google authentication available for your users with idToken. It uses the official google-auth-library library to execute the actions. You can get it working in seconds in your application. EASY!

thumbnail for Google Auth With Token


Google auth with token helps you to easily create google authentication available for your users using Sign In With Google button. It uses the official google-auth-library library to execute the actions and verify the token. You can get it working in seconds 🫰.

Dashboard Screenshot


  • Official GoogleAPIs integration
  • One Tap support using idToken One Tap
  • Using strapi default user-permission collection
  • JWT Authentication
  • Sanitized response
  • Highly secure
  • Save user first and last name of the user in strapi user entity
  • Save user gmail profile picture of the user in strapi user entity

Activate the Plugin

  1. Install the plugin using npm or yarn
npm install strapi-google-auth-with-token
# or
yarn add strapi-google-auth-with-token
  1. Add the following lines of code in the file: config/plugins.js or config/plugins.ts
1module.exports = {
2	'strapi-google-auth-with-token': {
3		enabled: true,
4	},
7// or in typescript for config/plugins.ts
8export default () => ({
9  "strapi-google-auth-with-token": {
10    enabled: true,
11  },


  1. Create a google project from the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create OAuth Consent Screen (Nav Menu -> APIs & Services -> OAuth consent screen).
  3. Go to Credentials, click create credentials -> OAuth Client ID
  4. Put the CLIENT_ID in the plugin page of Strapi, and save it.

How to use

Get User jwt token and user data

1    {
2        method: 'POST',
3        path: 'STRAPI_BACKEND_URL/strapi-google-auth-with-token/auth', // like: http://localhost:1337/strapi-google-auth-with-token/auth
4        data: {
5            token: idToken // get the token from the google sign-in button
6        }
7    }

If you want to save user data in strapi user entity

  • Add firstName short text field to user entity in Content Type Builder to save the first name of the user

  • Add lastName short text field to user entity in Content Type Builder to save the last name of the user

  • Add picture single media field to user entity in Content Type Builder to save the profile picture of the user

Report Bugs/Issues

Any bugs/issues you may face can be submitted as issues in the Github repo.

Install now

npm install strapi-google-auth-with-token


1 GitHub star11 weekly downloads

Last updated

362 days ago

Strapi Version

4.20.0 and above


github profile image for kirwako

Useful links

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