Strapi plugin logo for Kubernetes Health Checks

Kubernetes Health Checks

Adds /health endpoint for Kubernetes health checks

Strapi plugin health

A quick description of health with minimal plugin. It is written in JS and not TS as it doesn't pick up ts files without compiling.


After installation, go to http://localhost:1337/health:

2  "uptime": 19122.561740091,
3  "message": "OK",
4  "timestamp": 1696513452150


In your strapi project run:

npm install strapi-health-plugin

To apply the plugin to Strapi run re-build command

strapi build

Install now

npm install strapi-health-plugin


6 GitHub stars1330 weekly downloads

Last updated

137 days ago

Strapi Version

>=4.4.0 <6.0.0


github profile image for Remi Kristelijn
Remi Kristelijn

Useful links

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