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Do Not Delete

Protect certain entries from being deleted.

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Logo for Strapi do not delete plugin

Strapi "Do Not Delete"

A plugin for Strapi CMS that protects certain entries from being deleted.

Screenshot for Strapi do not delete plugin

Get Started

✨ Features

  • Protect certain entries from being deleted.
  • Use various comparators to match against protection rules.

💎 Installation

yarn add strapi-plugin-do-not-delete@latest

Don't forget to restart or rebuild your Strapi app when installing a new plugin.

🔧 Configuration

Configuration can be added to the pluginOptions of a schema. This will need to apply to each individual content type that utilizes this plugin.

1// ./api/page/content-types/page/schema.json
3  "kind": "collectionType",
4  "collectionName": "pages",
5  "info": {
6    "singularName": "page",
7    "pluralName": "pages",
8    "displayName": "Page",
9    "description": "Generic web page"
10  },
11  "options": {
12    "draftAndPublish": true
13  },
14  "pluginOptions": {
15    "do-not-delete": {
16      // Config goes here.
17    }
18  },
19  "attributes": {
20    "title": {
21      "type": "string",
22      "required": true
23    },
24    "slug": {
25      "type": "uid",
26      "targetField": "title",
27      "required": true
28    }
29  }
rulesarrayAn array of protection rules.


An array of protection rules.


Below, the comparison rule is querying if the slug value for Page is equal to home, and if this condition is true, the delete operation is cancelled.

1// ./api/page/content-types/page/schema.json
2"pluginOptions": {
3  "do-not-delete": {
4    "rules": [
5      ["slug", "is", "home"]
6    ]
7  }


The items in each comparison array must follow the format:

1['attribute', 'comparator', 'value or pattern']
isStrict equality with ===
isNotStrict inequality with !==
inDoes the value array include attribute?
notInDoes the value array not include attribute?
hasDoes the attribute contain value?
hasNotDoes the attribute not contain value?
ltIs attribute less than value?
lteIs attribute less than or equal to value?
gtIs attribute greater than value?
gteIs attribute greater than or equal to value?
betweenDoes attribute fall between the pair of values?
afterDoes attribute occur after the value date?
beforeDoes attribute occur before the value date?
dayDoes attribute occur on the same day of the value date?
monthDoes attribute occur in the same month of the value date?
yearDoes attribute occur in the same year of the value date?
matchesRegExp test against pattern (do not include outer slashes)
1// ./api/page/content-types/page/schema.json
2"pluginOptions": {
3  "do-not-delete": {
4    "rules": [
5      // Equality.
6      ["slug", "is", "home"],
7      ["slug", "isNot", "test"],
9      // Contains.
10      ["slug", "in", ["home", "blog", "404"]],
11      ["slug", "notIn", ["test", "temp"]],
12      ["slug", "has", "admin"],
13      ["slug", "hasNot", "-test"],
15      // Regular expression.
16      ["slug", "matches", "^foobar"], // same as "starts with"
17      ["slug", "matches", "foobar$"], // same as "ends with"
19      // Greater than or equal to.
20      ["rating", "lt", 10],
21      ["rating", "lte", 9],
22      ["rating", "gt", 4],
23      ["rating", "gte", 5],
24      ["rating", "between", [3, 6]],
26      // Dates (any valid date string format can be used).
27      ["publishedAt", "after", "2022-12-31"],
28      ["publishedAt", "before", "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"],
29      ["publishedAt", "day", "Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT"],
30      ["publishedAt", "month", "January 2020"],
31      ["publishedAt", "year", "2023"],
32    ]
33  }

📘 User Guide

Attempting to delete a protected entry

When attempting to delete a protected entry, a validation error will display at the top of the screen that reads:

This entry is protected and cannot be deleted.

Deleting an entry that is currently protected

If you find yourself in a scenario where a protected entry actually does need to be deleted, you must first update the pluginOptions and restart Strapi to remove the protection rule that applies to that entry.

💩 Troubleshooting

In general

Remember to rebuild your app after making changes to some config or other code.

yarn build
# OR
yarn develop

🚌 Migration

Follow the migration guides to keep your "do not delete" plugin up-to-date.

❤️ Support or Donate

If you are enjoying this plugin and feel extra appreciative, you can buy me a beer or 3 🍺🍺🍺.

🚧 Roadmap

  • Custom validation error messages.
  • RBAC features.

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-do-not-delete


5 GitHub stars148 weekly downloads

Last updated

25 days ago

Strapi Version

5.5.0 and above


github profile image for Matt Milburn
Matt Milburn

Useful links

Create your own plugin

Check out the available plugin resources that will help you to develop your plugin or provider and get it listed on the marketplace.