Do Not Delete
Protect certain entries from being deleted.
Strapi "Do Not Delete"
A plugin for Strapi CMS that protects certain entries from being deleted.
Get Started
✨ Features
- Protect certain entries from being deleted.
- Use various comparators to match against protection rules.
💎 Installation
yarn add strapi-plugin-do-not-delete@latest
Don't forget to restart or rebuild your Strapi app when installing a new plugin.
🔧 Configuration
Configuration can be added to the pluginOptions
of a schema. This will need to apply to each individual content type that utilizes this plugin.
1// ./api/page/content-types/page/schema.json
3 "kind": "collectionType",
4 "collectionName": "pages",
5 "info": {
6 "singularName": "page",
7 "pluralName": "pages",
8 "displayName": "Page",
9 "description": "Generic web page"
10 },
11 "options": {
12 "draftAndPublish": true
13 },
14 "pluginOptions": {
15 "do-not-delete": {
16 // Config goes here.
17 }
18 },
19 "attributes": {
20 "title": {
21 "type": "string",
22 "required": true
23 },
24 "slug": {
25 "type": "uid",
26 "targetField": "title",
27 "required": true
28 }
29 }
property | type | description |
rules | array | An array of protection rules. |
An array of protection rules.
Below, the comparison rule is querying if the slug
value for Page
is equal to home
, and if this condition is true, the delete operation is cancelled.
1// ./api/page/content-types/page/schema.json
2"pluginOptions": {
3 "do-not-delete": {
4 "rules": [
5 ["slug", "is", "home"]
6 ]
7 }
The items in each comparison array must follow the format:
1['attribute', 'comparator', 'value or pattern']
Comparator | Description |
is | Strict equality with === |
isNot | Strict inequality with !== |
in | Does the value array include attribute ? |
notIn | Does the value array not include attribute ? |
has | Does the attribute contain value ? |
hasNot | Does the attribute not contain value ? |
lt | Is attribute less than value ? |
lte | Is attribute less than or equal to value ? |
gt | Is attribute greater than value ? |
gte | Is attribute greater than or equal to value ? |
between | Does attribute fall between the pair of values ? |
after | Does attribute occur after the value date? |
before | Does attribute occur before the value date? |
day | Does attribute occur on the same day of the value date? |
month | Does attribute occur in the same month of the value date? |
year | Does attribute occur in the same year of the value date? |
matches | RegExp test against pattern (do not include outer slashes) |
1// ./api/page/content-types/page/schema.json
2"pluginOptions": {
3 "do-not-delete": {
4 "rules": [
5 // Equality.
6 ["slug", "is", "home"],
7 ["slug", "isNot", "test"],
9 // Contains.
10 ["slug", "in", ["home", "blog", "404"]],
11 ["slug", "notIn", ["test", "temp"]],
12 ["slug", "has", "admin"],
13 ["slug", "hasNot", "-test"],
15 // Regular expression.
16 ["slug", "matches", "^foobar"], // same as "starts with"
17 ["slug", "matches", "foobar$"], // same as "ends with"
19 // Greater than or equal to.
20 ["rating", "lt", 10],
21 ["rating", "lte", 9],
22 ["rating", "gt", 4],
23 ["rating", "gte", 5],
24 ["rating", "between", [3, 6]],
26 // Dates (any valid date string format can be used).
27 ["publishedAt", "after", "2022-12-31"],
28 ["publishedAt", "before", "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"],
29 ["publishedAt", "day", "Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT"],
30 ["publishedAt", "month", "January 2020"],
31 ["publishedAt", "year", "2023"],
32 ]
33 }
📘 User Guide
Attempting to delete a protected entry
When attempting to delete a protected entry, a validation error will display at the top of the screen that reads:
This entry is protected and cannot be deleted.
Deleting an entry that is currently protected
If you find yourself in a scenario where a protected entry actually does need to be deleted, you must first update the pluginOptions
and restart Strapi to remove the protection rule that applies to that entry.
💩 Troubleshooting
In general
Remember to rebuild your app after making changes to some config or other code.
yarn build
# OR
yarn develop
🚌 Migration
Follow the migration guides to keep your "do not delete" plugin up-to-date.
❤️ Support or Donate
If you are enjoying this plugin and feel extra appreciative, you can buy me a beer or 3 🍺🍺🍺.
🚧 Roadmap
- Custom validation error messages.
- RBAC features.
Install now
npm install strapi-plugin-do-not-delete
Create your own plugin
Check out the available plugin resources that will help you to develop your plugin or provider and get it listed on the marketplace.