Strapi plugin logo for Prev-Next Buttons

Prev-Next Buttons

Adds a Prev-Next Buttons to the Edit View

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Strapi plugin prev-next-button

Logo - Strapi Prev-Next Button

Strapi Plugin Prev-Next Buttons

Adds a Prev-Next Button to the edit view

How to Install

Copy the following code and run from your terminal

yarn add strapi-plugin-prev-next-button
npm install strapi-plugin-prev-next-button

Add the following attribute in the config/plugins.js file:

'prev-next-button': true

Or if you do not have the plugins.js file yet, add the file with the following contents:

module.exports = () => ({
  'prev-next-button': true,

How to use

  • ✨ After activation of the Plugin, click the Prev-Next Buttons will be available in the edit view for an easy navigation.
  • ✨ Both buttons show prev/next entry title on hover. The title is read from mainField which is configured via Configure the view.
  • ✨ Sorting to show prev/next implemented by defaultSortBy and defaultSortOrder defined in Configure the View Settings. Improvements are coming soon.

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-prev-next-button


1 GitHub star115 weekly downloads

Last updated

44 days ago

Strapi Version

4.9.0 and above


github profile image for Daler Abdullaev
Daler Abdullaev

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