A drop in replacement for the Strapi cron plugin that uses Redlock to prevent multiple instances of Strapi from running the same cron job at the same time.
Drop-in* replacement for the Strapi cron plugin that uses Redlock to prevent multiple instances of Strapi from running the same cron job at the same time.
* requires minimal configuration
Currently, if you horizontally scale Strapi and use the cron feature, you will end up with multiple instances of Strapi running the same cron job at the same time, potentially causing race conditions. This can cause issues with your database or other services that you are trying to integrate with.
Install and configure the Strapi Redis Plugin
This plugin needs to be registered and configured before the cron plugin.
# Using Yarn (Recommended)
yarn add strapi-plugin-redcron
# Using npm
npm install strapi-plugin-redcron --save
1module.exports = {
2 redis: {
3 // your redis config
4 },
5 redcron: {
6 enabled: true,
7 },
1module.exports = {
2 redis: {
3 // your redis config
4 },
5 redcron: {
6 config: {
7 redlockConfig: {
8 driftFactor: 0.01,
9 retryCount: 10,
10 retryDelay: 200,
11 retryJitter: 200,
12 },
13 lockDelay: null,
14 lockTTL: 5000,
15 debug: false,
16 },
17 enabled: true,
18 },
Adding the bypassRedcron
property to your cron job will bypass the redlock logic and allow multiple instances of Strapi to run the same cron job at the same time.
This plugin requires you to use the object format of the cron config. i.e if you are using the rule as the key, you will need to change it to an object with the rule as a property and the key as a unique name. This is because across your Strapi instances, Redis needs to lock onto a key that is the same across all instances.
If you need assistance understanding the cron syntax check out CronTab Guru.
1// path: ./config/cron-tasks.js
3module.exports = {
4 myJob: {
5 task: ({ strapi }) => {/* Add your own logic here */ },
6 bypassRedcron: false, // optional
7 options: {
8 rule: '0 0 1 * * 1',
9 },
10 },
1bootstrap({ strapi }) {
2 strapi.cron.add({
3 myJob: {
4 task: async ({ strapi }) => {
5 console.log("hello from bootstrap")
6 },
7 bypassRedcron: false, // optional
8 options: {
9 rule: '*/10 * * * * *',
10 }
11 },
12 })
Feel free to open a PR if you want to contribute to this project.
You can spin up a new Redis cluster for testing by running docker-compose up
in the root of the project.
You can run Strapi multiple strapi instances at the same time by adding server.js
to the root of your wrapper project
2'use strict';
4// Start Strapi
5const strapi = require('@strapi/strapi');
and running
pm2 start --name="mystrapiapp" server.js -i 2
See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
If you found this plugin helpful give it a star?
npm install strapi-plugin-redcron
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