Strapi plugin logo for Shopify


Integrate Shopify in your Strapi application.

Strapi Plugin Shopify

Build a Shopify application with Strapi.

Table Of Content


Strapi v4 is required.


npm install --save strapi-plugin-shopify

Middlewares configuration

Webhooks are authenticated with HMAC calculated on the raw body, strapi::body middleware should be configured to pass the unparsed body as following:

2  name: 'strapi::body',
3  config: {
4    includeUnparsed: true,
5  },

If you want to serve an embedded app directly from Strapi you will find that default CSP policies will not allow to do that, strapi::security middleware should be configured as following (this configuration should be used only if you have problem with the embedded app iframe):

2  name: 'strapi::security',
3  config: {
4    contentSecurityPolicy: {
5      useDefaults: true,
6      directives: {
7        'frame-ancestors': null,
8      },
9    },
10    frameguard: false,
11  },

Shopify Configuration

The Shopify application should be configured as follow:

  • App URL should be set as
  • Allowed redirection URL(s) should have both

Screenshot illustrating how to configure the Shopify application

Environment Variables

This plugin needs the following environment variables to work:

HOST_NAMEshop3.appthe host name of your app without the protocol (http or https)
SHOPIFY_API_KEY553536bf79ee112525f63aaf25df59f8the API key generated by Shopify
SHOPIFY_API_SECRET687b73300b570bdbe53220d84a18e23dthe API secret generated by Shopify
SHOPIFY_SCOPESread_locales,read_productsthe API scopes used by the application
SHOPIFY_APP_EMBEDDEDtruewhether the app is an embedded app or not
SHOPIFY_REDIRECT_URL url where the user is redirect after authentication


This are the endpoints exposed by this plugin:

GET/api/shopifythe entry point of the application, it handles installation and authentication
POST/api/shopify/webhooksthe default webhooks endpoint called by Shopify
GET/api/shopify/installthe installation endpoint, should not be called directly, use /api/shopify instead
GET/api/shopify/install/callbackthe installation callback endpoint, should be called only by Shopify
GET/api/shopify/auththe authentication endpoint, should not be called directly, use /api/shopify instead
GET/api/shopify/auth/callbackthe authentication callback endpoint, should be called only by Shopify
POST/api/shopify/auth/logoutthe logout endpoint, should be called to delete the Shopify session
GET/api/shopify/shopthis endpoint should be called to get the authenticated shop data
GET/api/shopify/plansthis endpoint should be called to get available subscription plans
GET/api/shopify/subscriptionthis endpoint should be called to get the shop subscription
POST/api/shopify/subscriptionthis endpoint should be called to create a shop subscription

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-shopify


25 GitHub stars10 weekly downloads

Last updated

702 days ago

Strapi Version

4.4.5 and above


github profile image for Shop3

Useful links

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