Strapi plugin logo for Wechat Miniprogram Auth

Wechat Miniprogram Auth

WeChat MiniProgram Auth helps you to easily create WeChat MiniProgram authentication available for your user.

thumbnail for Wechat Miniprogram Auth

WeChat MiniProgram Auth

WeChat MiniProgram Auth helps you to easily create WeChat MiniProgram authentication available for your user. It uses the official USER LOGIN REQUEST to get the authorization, you can get it working in under 5 minutes in your WeChat MiniProgram application.


  • Official USER LOGIN REQUEST integration
  • Using strapi default user-permission collection
  • JWT Authentication
  • Sanitized response
  • Highly secure

How to use


Install the strapi plugin

npm i strapi-wechat-miniprogram-auth


Add the folling lines of code in the file: config/plugins.js

1module.exports = {
2    // ...
3    'strapi-wechat-miniprogram-auth': {
4        enabled: true
5    },
6    // ...

After done this, you can start the application with command:

npm run develop


  • Config the WeChat AppID and AppSecret.

Go to the Strapi Dashboard, and change to the PLUGINS -> WeChat Mini Program Authenticator, input the AppID,AppSecret and save it.

  • Add fileds to User Collection

Go to the Strapi Dashboard, and change to the User Collection(PLUGINS -> Content-Type Builder -> COLLECTION TYPES -> User). Add two fields to this collection, and save. | NAME | TYPE | | ---- | ---- | | openid | Text | | wechatUserInfo | JSON |


Use the getUserInfo button in your WeChat MiniProgram to get the current userinfo and use wx.login to get User login credentials


1<!-- 需要使用 button 来授权登录 -->
2<button open-type="getUserInfo" bindgetuserinfo="login">授权登录</button>


Initialisation a request to STRAPI_BACKEND to get JWT token and Sanitized userinfo.

1login(e) {
2    let userInfo = e.detail.userInfo
3    wx.login({
4      success: res => {
5        // 发送res.code到后台换取openId,sessionKey,unionId
6        wx.request({
7          url: 'STRAPI_BACKEND_URL/strapi-wechat-miniprogram-auth/login',
8          method: "post",
9          data: {
10            code: res.code,
11            userInfo
12          },
13          success(res) {
14            console.log('wx.request res', res)
15          }
16        })
17      }
18    })
19  }

The STRAPI_BACKEND request response look like this:

1    {
2      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNjY3NTM3MzU5LCJleHAiOjE2NzAxMjkzNTl9.giRP146cEV0wyIh98D3KJigHShsEGofedtW5YYckzsQ",
3      "user": {
4        "id": 1,
5        "username": null,
6        "email": null,
7        "provider": "local",
8        "confirmationToken": null,
9        "confirmed": true,
10        "blocked": false,
11        "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:41:27.149Z",
12        "updatedAt": "2022-11-04T02:41:27.149Z",
13        "openid": "oFHxc5TV5VKscIudqlmfx9JpK4d4",
14        "wechatUserInfo": {
15          "nickName": "wfz",
16          "gender": 0,
17          "language": "zh_CN",
18          "city": "",
19          "province": "",
20          "country": "",
21          "avatarUrl": "https://A-WECHAT-AVATAR-LINK"
22        }
23      }
24    }

You can using the JWT token in your application.

Report Bugs/Issues

Any bugs/issues you may face can be submitted as issues in the Github repo.

Install now

npm install strapi-wechat-miniprogram-auth


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Last updated

808 days ago

Strapi Version

4.0.0 and above


github profile image for wfzong

Useful links

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